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Is it possible to access a past trauma that is too strong for me and I can't cope with?

The regression technique brings to the surface only those past traumas for which the patient is prepared, according to his current energy level and his ability to confront and process the emotional and mental aspects revealed during the regression.

It's hard for me to relax and let go of control. Will regression work for me in this case as well?

The regression session begins with a deep relaxation, which helps the patient to enter a meditative state. This stage is done according to the needs of the patient so that he can relax completely. In such cases, it is also recommended that the patient prepares before regression by practising daily relaxation sessions. In addition, before regression, the patient may receive energy charging sessions, which helps to relax the nervous system and induce a state of mental peace.

How many regression sessions does it take to solve a problem?

For smaller problems, a single regression is sufficient. However, most of the problems are interrelated with other issues and have been exacerbated by repeated trauma. Therefore, several regression sessions are required to completely dissolve the multiple traumas that created the problem.

Can anyone attend a regression session?

Yes, any adult over the age of 18 who is mentally healthy can attend a regression session.
However, there are some situations in which regression is not recommended: people undergoing psychiatric treatment or who are registered with a psychiatrist, people under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other substances that affect the psychic state, pregnant women, people who have undergone surgery In the last three weeks before regression, people with severe heart disease, high blood pressure, heart attack, more severe respiratory problems, retinal detachment or glaucoma, severe fatigue, lack of sleep.

At what age can regression be made?

The recommended age is 18 years.

How will the regression session affect my other activities?

After a successful regression, as a result of the dissolution of one or more traumas, a large amount of energy is released that was blocked into those traumas. So the patient can experience a positive state of release, of joy. However, it is recommended that after regression the patient take 2-3 hours for himself to integrate the aspects revealed during the regression and not to plan demanding activities.