The Benefits of knowing

[our previous lives]

As we all know, we cannot change what happened in the past, but what is less known is that there are concrete ways in which we can change the effects of the past that are reflected in the present.

Reliving the experiences and awareness of the lessons learned in previous lives means creating the premises for change and healing in the present life.

Without being aware of the circumstances and forces that have generated the current situation and without knowing safe methods by which we can neutralize or change the causal forces mentioned above, the effort for change can be considered a futile struggle with the Law of Karma.

If we manage to access and relive the events of previous lives [in which we contributed to the creation of the causes we face today] and succeed in neutralizing or transforming the karmic forces, surely the desired change appears in the present life.

The transformation of the karmic force can be achieved in the same “time”, in the same dimension, in which it was created.

The effects of accessing past lives can have two main benefits. These two aspects cannot be separated from each other because they are consecutive stages of the same process:

  1. Therapeutic effects.

From a bio-psychological point of view, memory is nothing more than a combination of proteins in nerve cells. So, since there is no nerve cell without protein, man must be born with memories. This phenomenon is called cellular memory. Brain cells begin to function from the earliest stage of embryo development and, more than likely, play a crucial role in the development of organs, perceptions, and the memorization of stimuli through the five senses.

The embryo, expanding its perception, at only 5-6 weeks can react to different auditory stimuli, and at 29 weeks can recognize songs, differentiate voices, the tone of voices around the mother, thus interpreting changes in the environment. So, the effects of the experiences lived in the mother’s womb, in the state of the embryo, are deeply impregnated in the consciousness of each being and will fundamentally decide our whole life.

During the nine months spent in the mother’s womb, the mechanisms of action and defense brought from the previous life are combined and complemented with the psycho-mental patterns taken from the mother. These models will determine the experiences of early childhood. Later, in adulthood, when exposed to similar stimuli, the person will unconsciously be prone to behave as they “learned” from the mother in the embryonic state.

Given the influences we receive in the womb, we can understand the importance of accessing and healing trauma from this stage of life.

Healing the birth trauma with the Pratiloma-Yana method

Here are some cases of real events during birth and their effects, revealed during the sessions:

– If the mother, during the sexual intercourse [at the time of conception], lives with the fear that she will become pregnant and if, in the end, she happens to get pregnant, the child to be born will struggle with sexual inhibitions and fears related to married life.

– Parents who have expectations about the gender of the unborn child can create serious emotional problems. Such an expectation is imprinted in the child’s consciousness, like a mental program, and if the child’s sex is contrary to expectations, the consequences can be particularly serious, such as identity disorders, unconscious aggressive actions towards the opposite sex, etc.

– In the case of a very difficult birth, when, finally, a cesarean section is used, the baby may be born with the idea that he/she is not able to face and solve problems on its own, that he/she must give up in the face of everyday struggle, because it is not strong enough, an idea that can persist throughout its life. The baby may perceive the cesarean section as an outside force that will always come to its aid and do the hard work for him/her. Eventually, he/she will be afraid of sharp instruments, and at the sight of blood, may lose consciousness.

– If the mother oscillates between keeping the pregnancy or having an abortion; because of such experience, the soul that has come to earth will be undecided its entire life whether it wants to live or not. He/she will hardly know the meaning of life’s joys. The desire for life will be ambivalent, and he/she may be so afraid of life that he/she will not have the courage to take the initiative, he/she will not be able to be righteous, he/she will not be able to defend its rights, and so on.

– The child who has not been wanted or has been expected with fear may suffer throughout its lifetime from the feeling that he/she is lacking in love, is an unwanted person, or an “uninvited guest”, which will materialize in not having a purpose in life. Lack of purpose in life can lead to alcoholism, drug use, a self-destructive lifestyle.

– People born from mothers who have been anesthetized with an epidural anesthetic (people who still feel deep dizziness during regression) may be dominated by severe melancholy.

– Stress is accentuated before and during in vitro fertilization, which can last up to nine months, for this reason, there is the possibility of mental problems. In such situations, the embryo must fight constantly to stay alive, thus learning from the intrauterine stage to fight incessantly. After birth, this will be clearly reflected in his behavior.

– The embryo – although it seems protected – must fight for life and death as a means of preparation for the fight against the problems that awaits it after birth. It must make its way through the birth canal, which can take, in certain cases, several hours. Due to the pressure, the stagnation of the birth process, possibly the twisting of the umbilical cord around the neck, claustrophobia, or a strong fear of death can be triggered even before birth.

– Those who were born by cesarean section, because they did not go through the twisting movement at birth, may have an inexplicable feeling of deprivation. This feeling ceases after regression therapy.

Of course, in addition to the Pratiloma sessions, the parents’ love for the child certainly attenuates the various types of trauma mentioned above.

Identifying the causes of psychosomatic problems

Most often, the causes of the psychosomatic symptoms of adults are traumas suffered in the current life, especially from childhood. These problems generally follow the patterns of trauma suffered in previous lives. For this reason, if we want to benefit from the therapeutic effects of the Pratiloma technique, in the first sessions – taking into account the reverse order in time of the formation of traumatic memories – it is recommended that the sessions begin with the processing of traumas that were created or repeated in this life.

A brief introductory explanation should be given here to explain how the phenomenon occurs, how it affects distress…

Due to the overload of the body, a kind of informational “short circuit” is created, which leads to the accumulation of distorted energies in the chakras and aura.

The short-circuit of the nerve, following the traumas, both on a physical and mental level, is repeated every time the negative emotion generated by the respective trauma appears in the consciousness. After the emotional and mental short-circuit has been repeated many times, it will materialize in the physical body and will produce a series of disorders, such as; stagnation of lymph, decreased metabolism, accumulation of adipose tissue, stiffening of muscles, and deposits in the joints, stagnation of toxins and disturbances in the functioning of glands with internal secretion can cause multiple pathological conditions.

This is a brief explanation of the cause of psychosomatic illness.

Although the emotional location, according to the physical and mental structure, may differ, following the findings of the Pratiloma sessions, we were able to sketch a map of the body with the points where certain negative emotions are somatized:

Here are some examples:

Hate accumulates in the head areamental clarity increases after the sessions.

Pride accumulates in the forehead area – after the sessions the level of tolerance increases

in the eyes, the sufferings of the soul – after the sessions the self-esteem develops

in the back of the head, fear – after the meetings the trust in the goodwill of the fellows is improved

in the throat, the repressed passion – after the sessions the creativity improves

in the ears, anger and repression – after the sessions the ability to forgive develops

on the shoulders, the consciousness of sin – after the meetings the joy of living increases

in the chest, sadness and sorrow – after the sessions self-love develops

in the heart, the feeling of abandonment – after the meetings the relationship with the Divinity improves

in the liver, anger, and a sense of injustice – after the sessions the level of optimism increases

in the pancreas, bitterness – after the sessions the confidence [in human goodness] develops

in the stomach, upset – after the sessions the reconciliation with one’s own person reappears

in the back, repressed emotional states – after the meetings the acceptance of the mission increases

in the kidneys, the fear of failure in couple relationships – after the meetings the joy of the initiative reappears

in the hip, the horror of family tasks – after the sessions increases self-confidence

in the genitals, repressed sexual desires and guiltthe desire to get closer develops after the sessions

on your knees, arrogance, pride, fear of death – after the sessions comes gratitude

standing, the feeling of shame – after the sessions increases the appreciation for oneself.

Healing the trauma of birth and those suffered in previous lives, in addition to the positive mental effects, also ensures the possibility of improving physiological functions.

Regaining spiritual integrity will act, on a physical level, the most spectacular, on the functioning of the immune system. It is known that the immune system and the autonomic (vegetative) nervous system do not work separately, but are in perfect symbiosis. For example, the basic units of the immune system, the white blood cells, are endowed with receptors that react sensitively to the hormonal and chemical effects produced in the central nervous system, that is, to neurotransmitters. In turn, the immune system produces chemicals, namely neurotransmitters and hormones, that affect the functioning of the nervous system. So we can conclude that the activity of the immune system reflects the level of soul integrity. The immune system of a healthy person, for example, in the case of flu, is able to give a particularly strong immune response, which defeats the viral attack with the production of 2000 antibodies/second, 7 million / hour, and 173 million / 24 hours.

In short, the therapeutic effects of the Pratiloma-Yana regression technique can contribute to the cure of the whole range of psychosomatic disorders and diseases, giving explanations for the predispositions that can facilitate the appearance of various diseases.

  1. Spiritual evolution

Those who in various ways try to evolve with the help of various spiritual techniques are forced to find that the most difficult obstacle to overcome is the restless, restless state of mind.

During spiritual exercises (for example, when applying meditation techniques) the practitioner’s mind may be partially calmed, but soon, often immediately after the end of the exercise, new impulses appear that bring back mental agitation, which can be triggered by internal factors. or as a result of environmental effects.

If the practitioner is objective enough, he will find that even after several years, he will have the impression that he is fighting against the windmills, that he is fighting endlessly with his imaginary hopes and fears, with unconscious aggressive tendencies, etc. This psycho-mental enslavement is maintained by those powers that sustain multiple automatisms that are on the unconscious side.

The situation is simple: conscious effort is powerless in the face of the compelling force of tendencies that erupt from the unconscious.

The law of karma – also known as the law of causality – teaches us that the present life is the summary of the lives we have lived in the past.

Insights of the lessons learned in previous lives mean creating the premises for change in current life.

The law of karma – also known as the law of causality – teaches us that the current life is the summary of the lives we have lived in the past.

This cause-and-effect process tends towards a well-defined finality. Plato in his work “De Principiis” writes about the ultimate purpose of reincarnations:

“Every soul comes into the world strengthened by its victories

And weakened by its previous failures. ”

One’s place in the world is determined by its past sins and merits;

they decide whether to have respect or contempt.

One’s deeds in this life determine its place in the life to come. ”

Or if we open the Zohar in the Book of Splendor we can read about reincarnation:

“Souls must return to the highest substance, where they hold their origins.

For this, however, souls must develop all their virtues, whose seeds are planted within us

and if they cannot achieve this state in a single lifetime then a new one must begin.

         Then another one again and so on until they reach that state in which they are prepared to be reunited with God. ”

Spiritual evolution is accomplished, on the one hand, by understanding causality, on the other hand, by accessing high meditative states that we have achieved in previous lives or that we have had before entering the cycle of reincarnations.

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